
How To Make Healthy Treats With Vanilla Extract

How To Make Healthy Treats With Vanilla Extract

The goodness of vanilla is universally known, loved and accepted. The sublime sweetness and unparalleled characteristics go beyond mere flavour and is a great ingredient to boost good health and wellbeing. Natural vanilla is packed with antioxidants but the same cannot be said about imitation vanilla. Artificial vanilla uses synthesised compounds to mimic the taste of real vanilla and does not contain the same health benefits.  Vanilla also has fewer calories and carbohydrates while compared to sugar and other flavouring agents, which makes it an apt substitute for sugar in recipes and baking. It also promotes a heart-healthy lifestyle when...

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The Differences Between Grade A and Grade B Vanilla Beans

The Differences Between Grade A and Grade B Vanilla Beans

To understand the differences between Grade A and Grade B Vanilla Beans, let’s begin by understanding this opulent spice first.  Vanilla is one of the world's most labour-intensive crops. The orchid plant flowers once a year over a period of approximately two months with large, fragrant and waxy flowers. They usually open in the early morning and are receptive to pollination for about 6 hours. A single plant can produce any number of flowers; however, a single flower can produce only one bean. Different curing methods are used around the world, but the ultimate goal is to produce dark brown,...

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Vanilla Milk Shake

Vanilla Milk Shake

Serves 4 Preparation time: 15 min Cooking time: 10 min Utensils 4 frosted glasses 1 blender Ingredients 25 cl high-quality Vanilla ice cream 10 cl double cream (crème fraiche liquide) 2 ice cubes Vanilla milk 25 cl whole milk 20 g ground dried Vanilla Crème anglaise 2 egg yolks 65 g caster sugar 15 cl milk 1 Vanilla pod Preparation Method Put the glasses in the freezer Make the Vanilla-flavoured milk. Bring the milk to the boil. Remove from heat, add the ground Vanilla and allow to infuse (keep a little ground Vanilla for the garnish) Make the creme anglaise....

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The Difference Between Vanilla Extract And Essence

The Difference Between Vanilla Extract And Essence

Vanilla, the flavor that we associate with the aroma of freshly baked cookies and cakes, the warmth of a family gathering or a festival, is one of the universally loved ones, along with chocolate. Most people would vouch for the notion that there is no flavor in the world that comes close to vanilla. Its universal appeal is evident in the variety of dishes that use vanilla for flavoring- desserts, milkshakes, and even savory dishes that serve as the main course in many cuisines.  An essential ingredient in most baked goods, vanilla is one of the freshest flavors that can...

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