Serves 4
- Preparation time: 15 min
- Cooking time: 10 min
- 4 frosted glasses
- 1 blender
- 25 cl high-quality Vanilla ice cream
- 10 cl double cream (crème fraiche liquide)
- 2 ice cubes
Vanilla milk
- 25 cl whole milk
- 20 g ground dried Vanilla
Crème anglaise
- 2 egg yolks
- 65 g caster sugar
- 15 cl milk
- 1 Vanilla pod
Preparation Method
- Put the glasses in the freezer
- Make the Vanilla-flavoured milk. Bring the milk to the boil. Remove from heat, add the ground Vanilla and allow to infuse (keep a little ground Vanilla for the garnish)
- Make the creme anglaise. Split the Vanilla pod down the middle and scoop out the seeds. Add the seeds to the hot Vanilla milk. Pour in the milk in a thin stream over the egg yolks, whisking all the time. Transfer the mixture back to the saucepan, stirring constantly with a spatula. Remove from heat just before it starts to boil (the custard should coat the spatula). Allow to cool
- Mix the crème fraiche Swith the crème anglaise in the blender. Spoon in the Vanilla ice cream. Blend for another 2 mm
- Just before serving. Crush the ice cubes and distribute among the four glasses. Pour in the milkshake. Garnish with the remaining ground Vanilla